
National Poetry Month Roundup of Stuff

Hey, so NaPoMo is upon us. Time to poesy, people!

Don't know where to begin? Here's some verse-y goodness to start you off:

1) Michael Hessel-Mial has taken the editorial reins of Internet Poetry, originally helmed by Steve Roggenbuck. I know I just mixed up my metaphors. That's OK. That's how I roll. See it HERE.

2) Ana C has written up a new pdf called Mostly Font Size 48. It is mostly set in font size 48. Please check it out HERE.

3) Pop Serial 3 edited by Stephen Tully Dierks is now online. There are poems in it by rad people. I have met one of those people IRL. Can you guess who? Take a gander HERE.

4) I have been reading the poetry subs for the spring issue of carte blanche. I read through A LOT of poetry. I am surprised I am not all poemed out. I guess that's a good thing. Still gotta make some tough decisions with my co-editor. To whet your appetite for the as-of-yet-not-completed issue, please check out carte blanche's special print-on-demand and digital copy of our latest issue HERE. Or if you haven't already, read the online issue HERE.

5) 30 poets are gonna take over The Academy of American Poets Tumblr for the month of April. Aw yeah. Keep on checking their Tumblr site HERE.

OK, that's all for now.Thanks for reading and may the verse be with you.

Yours forevs,


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