
Maryn and Hugh Grant

Well, not exactly. Maryn and I spent Saturday in New York and started the day off going to Madame Tussauds. We had recently seen the 1933 movie, Mystery of the Wax Museum starring Fay Wray and thought it would be a blast to see some actually wax sculptures. I've seen the Madam Tussauds in London when I was younger but Maryn had never been to one.

From contemporary pop-culture icons like Paris Hilton - with, how shall I put this, pokey nipples showing through her blouse, Brad Pitt and his baby, Oprah, and even Britney Spears with a disturbingly realistic heaving chest to artistic figures and world leaders like Salvador Dali, Ernest Hemingway, Gandhi, Pope John Paul II, and Bill Clinton; Madame Tussauds had them all.

Later, we went to see two Vaclav Havel plays: Audience and Protest, which are being performed for the Havel Festival in honour of his 70th birthday and his current residency at Columbia University. I am performing a scene from Protest for the final project in my acting class so it was interesting to see how this performance group's take on it.

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