
"Here Comes Santa Claus": Elvis Presley
Hey Moondoggy readers. Sorry for the lack of updates. As you know, I am going through my exams so I don't have that much time to do much Blogging or anything else for that matter. So I have one more exam left to go. By this time tomorrow I'm going to be finished. I can't believe it! It feels like this semester has just whisked by and this means that I'm going to have only one semester left of my University life here at Mount Allison. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was driving here in my mom's car with all my stuff moving into Thornton and into a brand new life.

I'm looking forward to going back home to be with my family, friends, and to just relax. There are soooo many movies that I would like to see that are coming out soon: Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Star Trek: Nemesis, and yes even the new Harry Potter movie, and blah, blah, blah. I have a lot of catching up to do.

Anyways, I just thought I'd update Moondoggy's Pad so that everyone knows that I'm alive and well. Gotta go back to studying and soon enough, I'll be done! Ciao!

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