
3 Remixes, yo

I have three poetry "remixes" on A Blog of Remixes of Exceptional Quality.

Please check them out here.

1) "How the Poet Laureate Spends His Days" is a cento (a work composed of another author's verses rearranged into an entirely new piece) made from poems from the book Ballistics
by Billy Collins. Have you ever noticed that Collins tends to do nothing but sit and gaze out his window in the majority of his poems?

2) "What, Me Worry?" was composed using poem titles from During My Nervous Breakdown I Want To Have A Biographer Present by Brandon Scott Gorrell.

3) "To Whom It May Concern" is also made from poems titles but from Sometimes My Heart Pushes My Ribs by Ellen Kennedy.

Once again, you can check out my remixes here. You can also view remixes by the awesome likes of Crispin Best, Ryan Manning, Zach Zimmerman, and DJ Berndt.

Thanks, Michael Hessel-Mial for being so Michaelicious.


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