
The Feathertale Review #4

I haven't had much of a chance to get much reading or writing done in the past few weeks (I've discovered that wedding planning and moving to a new apartment tends to take up one's time) but I recently received my contributor's copy of The Feathertale Review 4 and I finally got around to reading it.

Kudos to Brett Popplewell & co. for putting together another fabutastic issue. Lots of great stuff in there, including an interview with David Rakoff, a fine tribute to Spalding Gray by Richard Taylor, a charming poem about Elvis and Jesus drinking tequila in Bermuda by Michelle Desbarats, and much, much more. I have a poem in the issue entitled "Ghost Hares" accompanied by a wicked illustration from Christian Beare.

Purchase your very own copy of The Feathertale Review 4 here.

All the cool kids are doing it.

Peer pressurely yours,


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