
Poets Abuzz About Obama's Inauguration

John F. Kennedy had Robert Frost read at his inauguration, Bill Clinton teamed up with Maya Angelou. Will there be a poet joining Barack Obama at his inauguration, too? Nice to see David Lehman and The Best American Poetry Series Website get a shout out in this article. Way to represent poetry guys!

From the Herald Tribune:

"Speculation is rife in the poetry world," says Tree Swenson, executive director of the Academy of American Poets. "Given that he is so eloquent himself and so tuned to words, the assumption is that, of course, he will have a poet at the inauguration."

An "inaugural ode" contest sponsored by the Best American Poetry series Web site drew about 40 entries. Series editor David Lehman, himself a poet, said he came away "impressed by how serious people were" about the challenge. The entries "confirmed my idea that poetry is much more popular in the United States than people realize," he said.

More here.

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