
On Frank O'Hara

The latest New Yorker has a piece on the world of quintessential New York poet, Frank O'Hara. It covers a wide variety of topics from O'Hara's relationship to the city that has become synonymous with his poetry, his love of painting and the arts, his quirky and exuberant poetics, to his friendship with (one of my favorite illustrators) Edward Gorey.

Reading Frank O'Hara for the first time wasn't like a breath of fresh air but more like the fizz that comes from opening an ice cold can of Coca-Cola. His poetry (along with many of his fellow New York School poets) gave us all the OK to use humor and wit, to be absurd and wacky, to write about celebrities and popular culture in our poems without ever feeling guilty about it.

Read "Fast Company: The World of Frank O'Hara" from The New Yorker.

And in another recent Frank O' Hara note, there's also an interesting article wondering what Frank O'Hara would think about the Internet.

Read "I click this, I click that" from The Michigan Daily.

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