
It turns out the little cold I caught in the maritimes is bronchitis. I'm feeling ok but I have to be on medication for a while.

In literary news, Lip Zine is having a release party for their second issue on Saturday, March 4th.

Check out the their website here: Lip Zine


Lip II: the God issue

release party
sat.march.4 @ toc toc (6091 du parc)

10 poets-3 films-2 bands-1 dj
paula belina-ct staples-james irwin-ali naccarato-virgil addison-robert lewis-kristy heeren-joanna nawracaj-frances millerd-jeremy loveday
The get sets
"lola & me" by desh fernando
dave olivero spinning funk & soul
$3-5 sliding scale
free zine at the door

breatnik fortune cookies-poetry confessional-zine & music sale

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