
I hope everyone's having a good day. I got a wonderful Valentine's basket from my mother yesterday which will keep me satisfied and full of food for the next week. Which is always a good thing since I always seem to be eating :)
I didn't go to Bushido this afternoon because apparently since we're not a licensed Dojo, we won't be able to get any more instructed lessons. So I'm not sure if I'm going to get a sword to practice now or not. I may have to wait to make my decision until after the March break. Oh well, if I don't do Bushido, there are a few other martial arts available as well such as Tae Kwon Do, and Zen Ki Do, etc...
Tonight Maryn and I are going to be going to Marshland's Inn and then we're going to watch "Under The Tuscan Sun", so it should be a nice evening. Have a good night folks.

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