

Image credit: (http://www.westislandchronicle.com/Community/2014-04-02/article-3674439/West-Island-candidates-talk-issues/1)

Reporters ride
recent rising 
rivals' rhetoric.

Recruit real.
Represent reason.
Run rare.

Respect rights.
Recover. Return.
Recognize relief.


Go out and vote on Monday, Quebec.

"R'" words found only from the front page of The Montreal Gazette. 5th April, 2014. A1 section.

Freed, Josh. "I want a Quebec where 'nous' again means all of us" from The Montreal Gazette. 5th April, 2014. A2 section. Online version here.

Authier, Philip. "Hot Swing Ridings" from The Montreal Gazette. 5th April, 2014. A4 section. Online version here.

Method: Tautogram. Compose a poem whose words — or at least the principal ones — all begin with the same letter. The words must be sourced from your newspaper. Read more "tautogram" poems in the comments section here.

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