

(Image credit: http://jakndaxta.deviantart.com/art/Starry-YOLO-346735549)


Work strong
to rock world.

For our world
too short.

Sources: Front page of The Montreal Gazette. 11th April, 2014.
Kennedy, Mark. "'This comes as an unexpected shock':PM from The Montreal Gazette. 11th April, 2014. A8 section.
Method: A univocalic text is one written with a single vowel. It is consequently a lipogram in all the other vowels. If he had been univocally minded, Hamlet might have exclaimed, “Be? Never be? Perplexed quest: seek the secret!” All words used must be sourced from your newspaper. Read more poems from the comments section here.

The vowel I chose was 'o'.

1 comment:

kenyarockfilmfestivaljournal said...

Nice! I titled my first oulipost poem "to believe in YOLO" :-)