
Hullo 2014

Okay, so it's been a while since I've updated the old "Pad." In fact, I think this is my first post of 2014 on here. So hi, everyone. Um, happy new year?

Things have been a bit crazy: me and the Mrs. bought a  house, we have not one but two kiddos now, and I started taking intensive graphic design courses, which are keeping me all sorts of busy and creative.

In publishing news, my second full-length poetry collection, Rabbit Punch!, is coming out this spring and I'm really, really excited about it. It's being published by Montreal-based DC Books and I made a Tumblr for it so you folks could keep up to date with all things Rabbit Punch! related.

Please check it out here: rabbitpunchbygregsantos.tumblr.com.

Thank you for reading. Well, that's all for now. It sure is nice to be back...

Moondoggy, out.


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