
carte blanche 18

Issue 18 of carte blanche is now online!

In this issue:

AUDIO by Benjamin Hackman.


COMICS by Dakota McFadzean.

NON FICTION by Christin Geall, Lyra Hilliard, Claude Clayton Smith.

POETRY by Veronica Gaylie, David Huebert, Rebecca Givens Rolland, Ravi Shankar and Brian Turner, and I'm super excited about featuring poetry by youths from the Quebec Writers' Federation's Writers in the Community program, including some of my own students.

FICTION by Freedom Ahn Chevalier, Lindsay Foran, Susi Lovell, Michel Lambert translated by Paul Curtis Daw, and David Menear.


Please check out our new issue at carte-blanche.org/issues/18.

Poetry Co-Editor, carte blanche
Greg Santos

Follow us on Twitter at @alacarteblanche.

Like us on Facebook at carte blanche.

1 comment:

Josh L said...

Awesome. Congrats on the issue, and on nurturing and inspiring a new crop of poets.